Monday, May 25, 2009

Bologna or Steak

After an exhilerating night at the Noribong...My friends and I went to chill out at Communes. Our conversation turned to men...and one of them said "Dont settle for a bologna sandwich when you can have steak" As all women have had experience with Bologna..this statement is quite true. But what if your not a steak yourself? or what if you know someone who stupidly settled for bologna just because they got knocked up?

A certain crisis has hit my doorstep and I can do nothing about it. I want to but I cant. I am leaving it all in Gods hands. I am halfway around the world....I cant just jet back home...or call every five minutes to fix it. This gets no fixing. ONly God's purpose will shine through...right? How do people get themselves in these messes????? Bologna's are trying to ruin it for everyone.

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