Monday, September 7, 2009


I have been kind of boring lately. To save money I am only doing things in the city...I am hoping to visit and get pictures of more parks and mountains in the fall so have no fear. It is September and the temperature is still in the mid-high 80's most days....AAAHHH!!! It makes me want to live in Alaska all the more...haha.

In new news...I have two more new coworkers(well sort of). I was moved to the new branch of my school for this semester with a new coworker named Brady from WEST VIRGINIA! He is from the wheeling area so really we are no where near close to each other geographically, but still its cool to have someone to talk to about places at home. The other coworker is at the old school. His name is Jim...he is a graduated art ed major from Tuscan...very cool guy.

The new school is in a different district of the city and is about a 35 minute walk from my apartment or a 20 minute bike ride(it would take less time if it weren't for stop lights). I have taken my bike only a couple times because I sometimes just like to walk. Its nice to ensure that I am getting about an hour of exercise a day. I am down another 5 lbs from July so here's hoping I can continue and get down another 10 by the end of September to meet my goal!

Well, I think that is all for now. It has been a bit boring around on the adventure front...A lot happening on the Spiritual one though. I will update more about that later though.

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