Sunday, July 19, 2009


Christianna, Julia, Im in front of a giant Fish! I can almost touch it! The birds
Caitlyn, Krista, Paige look like finger nails.


Well ovev the past couple weeks, time has flown by! First, I want to say that since being here, I have lost 23 lbs. This is very exciting news considering I have not been eating very well over the past couple of weeks. Im hoping that by the end of August I will be down at least another 15...keep your fingers crossed!

Last weekend: Four other girls from church and I went to Pohong to see the cool hand statues...thus the pictures. We swam in the freezing water of the East Sea(or you may know it as the Sea of Japan) It was a wonderful time of walking, swimming, and hanging out with weird Korean things all around.

This weekend: Friday, I saw Harry potter with two coworkers and friends. It is good. I like all the HP movies so its not really a shock that I liked this one. I also went to an orphanage and hung out with some underprivileged children on Saturday followed by the Bible study for the Singles at the church. The bible study was very interesting. Its fun to see the different ideas people have about what faith is supposed to be, instead of just feeling it out. was a good time. Today we had spaghetti at the after church lunch (which happens every sunday keeping me from having to cook or buy lunch). It was delicious.

A few hours ago, I made little cupcakes in my toaster oven for Paige's birthday. I even made homemade chocolate frosting...It was delicious!!! I also made salmon and a salad for dinner. It has just been a great day! well Im off. Enjoy the pictures. They took forever to fix in here right.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Feet eating fish

Wow, time flies! I am into my third month here in Daegu. Only 9 left! WOOHOO! Anywho, this saturday I did something really funny and weird. I went to a cafe called Dr. Fish. At this cafe, you pay about $5 and get access to a bar of coffee, bread, and rice water. You also get 15-25 minutes around a hole in the floor filled with water and fish that will eat the dead skin off your feet. It tickles, and feels really really weird, but after it is over you have extremely smooth feet.

Also on Saturday, I saw transformers. It was an ok blockbuster movie. Lots of action just like a good movie should...haha. After this movie I attended the 4th of July party/bible study at our church which ended with watching another movie at the end, instead of fireworks.

Monsoon season is in full swing here. It rains most evenings...but I like it. It makes the air cooler. This upcoming weekend I will be going to Pohong...a beach city that has some really cool sites to see, so hopefully there will be pictures then.